-links and references.
Telur Ayam
Literature Review
Before we start the literature review we must define the scoring system that we are going to use. The group member reading it will keep a record of each book that is consulted for any aspect of the project. The individual group member that consulted the book will then review it. It will then be given a score for usefulness and readability. The usefulness score will determine how useful the book is and how much it helped us. A score of 10 means the book was very useful and a score of 0 means the book was not helpful at all. The readability score will reflect how easy it was to understand the book. This will take into account the type of language and the level of detail of each book. A score of 10 means the book is easy to understand and a score of 0 means the book was difficult to understand and not very helpful.
Ian Somerville, (2001 Edition) Software Engineering, ISBN 0-201-39815-X
This book provided the backbone of all the references that we used. It explained the processes from producing the initial requirements to helping us with technical options. As it is the recommended course book for the EE2G1 course it was always the first book we consulted when we needed help with any of the software engineering problems. This book helped us a lot with the group management structure as it went into great detail about the different types of groups and how the members must behave.
Usefulness: 10
Readability: 8
Roger S. Pressman (5th Edition) Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, ISBN 0-070709677-0
This was another useful book that provided us information about the group structure and how to manage software projects. It went into great detail about the different types of groups and what the different roles of group member are. The chapter on web design provided us with the inspiration of creating our own web page. The negative attributes of this book are that there is a lot of information that is not relevant.
Usefulness: 7
Readability: 8
This site was very helpful and was easy to understand. The lecture 3 slides were especially helpful for the PERT calculations. The rest of the theory was also important as it contained useful information about the syllabus.
Usefulness: 10
Readability: 9
This site was reference a lot when our group was conducting research
This site was particularly good because it contain a forum where you could ask questions on the Internet. The quality of the response was debatable, as we didn’t know much about the Mitsubishi board.
Usefulness: 7
Readability: 7
Requirements Analysis and System Design By Leszek A Maciaszek ISBN 0-201-70944-9
This book was used to help us with the requirements of the system decomposition. It was also used to help with the component breakdown as it contained useful examples. The only disadvantage of using this book was that there was a lot of useless information that was not applicable to our project. We therefore had to cipher through the information that was not relevant.
Usefulness: 8
Readability: 6
Software Engineering, A Engineering Approach By James F Peters ISBN 0-471-18964-2
This book contained useful information about the whole project but in particular it help us with the time management plan, especially the Gantt chart. This book was not used that much because it was written expecting the user to have a good knowledge of the subject. As it covered the same areas as Pressman
Fundamentals Of Electric Circuits (4th Ed) By David A.Bell ISBN 0-13-332586-5
This book was useful for the design of the circuit. This book gave the electronics team a good insight into the fundamentals of circuits. It also provided details of the step-down transformers.
Usefulness: 7
Readability: 7
This website provided details regarding the 7414 hex Schmitt- Trigger Inverters.
Usefulness: 7
Readability: 6
This website was used aid design of the electric circuit. It was particularly usefull for the understanding of the voltage regulators.
Usefulness: 8
Readability: 7